


(Machine translation - Google)

How do you light. Although you are not brighter than the sun,
Your pale face sad and beautiful
And let the light of thy land that is not - hotter
Your first son - the tide, the second outflow

And the quiet brilliance of the sky will flow,
Longing, weeping maiden in height,
And, inconsolable, on land to the children tear,
They w, playful, hohochut on the wave.
She caresses them, and golden light.
Scintillating crystal drops of water,
And the noise muffles the cries of the coastal
And the tears of mothers, and the star height.
Her close cloud-villains,
Rodnik her soul, he was above the clouds,
But their drive from the east winds, sorcerers,
A poor virgin, all breaks from the shackles.
She would look at the world farewell glance
Say with elements of seas,
But the glow lit the dawn too close,
And just ahead of bitterly nights.

Model design: Art-Motor

Creation: Alexander Klabukov

©2005-2025 Ekaterina Yakovleva