

Memories of Pushkin

(Machine translation - Google)
Rare rain rustles in the pages of autumn
The sky is gray, sea scallops...
I'm going to shadow Pushkinskaya,
Forgetting to sweet dreams

Soft twilight, evening, so transparent,
What I see a number of the last century,
Where in the conversation, dumami covered,
Again, sad poet and man.
Peterhof majestic dormant,
And in the fountain pleschutsya jet
And the poet he so thoughtfully vnemlet,
As the magic of love music.
Rain silent, warm sighs Sea
Each sound of the eternal Light,
And the soul of sadness in the sea,
And poetry and weeping burns.
But hurry неслышно poet in the cell,
There will be a long shed light lamp,
He prefers his sadness fun,
To dream, to pray and work.
It is not difficult path and the goal is,
He does not sleep in the sweet Peña lire
And, as a torch, God's gift of a prophet
Light up dumpy, gray world!

Model design: Art-Motor

Creation: Alexander Klabukov

©2005-2025 Ekaterina Yakovleva