

Train of dreams (continued, page 2)

(Machine translation - Google)
Wagon-restaurant located in the rear of train, and destroyed its magnificence, even the most worldly-wise view. Crystal chandeliers sparkle brighter than the sun, four neat tables, decorated with white tablecloths, were decorated with natural flowers and small aromatic candles, dark cherry-colored carpet track perfectly in tune with the color of a carved wooden furniture, and everywhere subject to the marvelous aroma of fresh food that I brought in the stomach. I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that immediately following the wagon-restaurant located open vestibule, something like a balcony, from where it could enjoy the night scenery, drinking whiskey and smoking a cigarette.

- Let us be found here! - Suggested that my companion, pointing to the last table near the window.

Waiter grew quietly, as if out of the ground, holding the pair of us with red leather knizhechek menu. Glasses on the table other passengers pozvyakivali slightly in time with a knock of wheels, was slow talking, with the ringing of cutlery, played a nice background music.

«We'll order something particularly expensive», - I thought, and again vzdrognul from discriminating eye of my fellow. - «I do not even know his name!»

- Peter Morrison - with your permission. - Commented that, once again reading my mind. - Who should have the honor?
- Why ask? You are so scan my brain better than any X-ray! - I am a little troubled.
- It is easier to forgive, but I do not scan your brain and just read your thoughts. You know, rarely anyone to think appealed to me by name! - He smiled genially.
- James Morgan - I spoke, burning cigarette, and not protyanuv his hands.
- Do you pirate name, Mr. Morgan! - Psychoanalyst smiled again, and immersed himself in reading the menu.

I ordered a Greek salad, calf's chops, lobster and cheese croquettes, psychoanalyst was confined to a single climbing. We also took the two bottle of good cognac, it is not suitable to choose our dishes.

- Do you think I went mad! - I asked Mr. Morrison, again caught in a strange feeling that I sleep and I see a very real dream.
- It is - praised psychoanalyst, framed in the mouth the next piece of lasagna. - You have heard something about «transerfinge reality»?!
- Do you mean the book Vadim Zealand, which was not so long ago, has been translated into English? I read it.
- Hmm ... ... Hmm - suspiciously otkashlyalsya Mr Morrison.
- The thing is that my brother often happens in Russia. He - a geologist, and even a little spoke in Russian. So what - nothing surprising.
- Do you recommend it your brother! - Joyfully exclaimed psychoanalyst. - Quite a rare book, but I was too, had doubts about the veracity of your words, Mr Morgan! - He promoknul corners of the lips of paper towel and smiled archly.
- So what happened to «transerfingom»?!
- Remember Zealand talks about conscious dreams, referring to the so-called phenomenon of «sold space sectors», which may accidentally get astral, and after him, and the physical body sleeping?
I nahmuril eyebrows, something pripominaya, and frost has passed me on the skin.
- In order to dissipate your doubts, I recall that Zealand had put forward the theory of the existence of multiple universe. Depending on our daily choices, ways of thinking, we are moving to different sectors of space options, or getting lucky at the line of our destiny, or at the ill-fated. «Go» from one sector to another takes place almost imperceptibly, through our relation to the situation, ie reaction to an event, but also through our actions that lead to certain consequences. Actions, as is known, are determined by our thoughts, our choices. At about the same thing happens in a dream. But there is some kind of «black hole» - already implemented sector space options, which are like themselves, regardless of our choice to be there or not. You can take them - anomalous zones. What you - the Bermuda Triangle, or the famous tunnels on Easter Island, where the missing people?
- You want to say, I somehow got in «black hole» sales sector space options? - I just was not jumped by surprise.
- What do you know about the «Train Grez»?! - Question to answer to a question Mr Morrison.
- Almost anything! - Confessed to me, again zakurivaya. - Is it just that he has a bad reputation, but also that it helps people understand themselves. - I offered him an advertising prospect.
- Who gave you this?
- I think I found a booklet in their mailbox. Wait, that day we just parted Christy!
- It is unlikely that it was Christy. - Shook his head psychoanalyst, rejecting my guess. - The fact that the invitation to train and no one ever comes easily!
- Nonsense! Certainly there is a railway company to attract customers! - I nervously peredernul shoulders.
- «Train Grez» is not related to any of the existing railway companies, I double-check this information. All that I was able to see it is that holds a mysterious train, Mr. MacGregor, a former member of Parliament.
- Yes, but how it relates to my situation? - Perplexedly I exclaimed.
- Not just your situation, Mr. Morgan! - Psychoanalyst pointedly looked at me and zabarabanil fingers on the table. - We are all here for something assembled!
- Yes, but the «black hole» ... You just said that I fell asleep and hit the space sector realized the options!
- You see, Mr Morgan, - continued my interlocutor, studying advertising avenue - only if you feel that you are sleeping and not sleeping at the same time. It is only you, the so-called subjective feeling. But you can not read thoughts, as I do now. Perhaps, with each occupant of this terrible Express something strange is happening, but we all have some incomprehensible way related to each other!
- I have not thought that the rest of the passengers were somewhat perplexed or frightened ... - I shrugged.
- "That's it! - He has raised the index finger up. - You do not seem to! But it seemed to me ... Because I - psychoanalyst!
- With all due respect to your person, Dr. Morrison, but you promised to help me deal with my problems! - I made the accent on the word «mine», to somehow return to my buddy on the right track and try to understand what the hell I was doing, and why I can not wake up.
- Sorry, my friend, I seem to be distracting - apologetic tone said psychoanalyst, dopivaya your brandy. - We are staying with you in your move in the space sector realized options. Remember at what point you made «transition»?!
- Well, first I drank whiskey, then closed his eyes, I felt very good, then why should I have it opened their ... More precisely, it seemed to me that I opened them. There was a strange feeling that I can see through closed eyelids.
- So there! They have something podmeshali in our drinks! - Dr. Morrison grabbed his head and began to swing from side to side, feverishly considerations, what to do next. - The thing is that I started to read your thoughts after a few otpil of a cup of cold coffee. I just sat and stared out the window, when suddenly I heard within a distinct voice - your voice!

I made the sign of the waiter, prohlazhdavshemusya near the bar - come, grabbed him by the hand and evil zashipel his ear:

- To immediately stop this outrage! You have no right to bite people, mixing them in glasses of different drug! I am a lawyer! I podam you in court! I have a connection in government circles!
- I do not know what you are saying ... - perplexedly zamyamlil a young boy with rusymi hair and sky-blue eyes. - You do not like cognac?
- Stop pretending that nothing happens! - I firmly pripechatal huduyu his brush to the table. - Or you will immediately lead us from the trance, or learn all about this car ... Yes, there! All Express!
- Please, for the sake of all holy! - Horrified waiter whispered, releasing from my grasping paws. - If you have submitted low-quality liquor, the restaurant is ready to fully pay for your dinner. All absolutely free! Just, please, calm down!
- You said a free dinner! - I do obomlel that my grip itself Decompress and I stared at the waiter in all eyes.
- Yes! - Hastily assured us that. - For you and your friend.
- You have heard Dr. Morrison? - Perplexedly I looked at the analyst. - Do you remember what thoughts I was going to a dining car?
- It seems that you are going to inflate these prohodimtsev otuzhinat and absolutely free ... - Kind of my interlocutor was no less lost than my own.
- Do you think this is mere coincidence? .. - Once I let out hesitantly.
- My dear friend, for twenty years of my practice, I came to the unequivocal conclusion that nothing in this world is not so easy!
- Then, I propose a bet! Something like a scientific experiment! - I for some reason suddenly became fun. - I launched cheese croquettes won an elderly gentleman in a tuxedo, and I even account for anything it will not.
- Do you seriously think so? - In the eyes of Doctor Morrison promelknula shadow curiosity mixed with respect to my despair.
- One can only check! - Zadornov cried, I built out of forks and Crockett something like a catapult and a good focus on the bald head of the victim. - If I'm really sleep and I see a dream (that you do not sleep), my trick would remain unpunished!

With breakneck speed croquet prochertil its trajectory in the air, land the old man right in the back of his head. From the surprise he jumped and began to look around wildly on the sides. It seems bedolaga not even understand what happened, the loss of his head, and found traces of cheese sauce, was a cumbersome mop head cloth. His noble wife, a red, made the offended person and forced the husband to immediately leave the school with her, having paid the account and never looked in our direction. They were truly English primness, bordering on a wrong sense of courtesy and tact, I was definitely troubled. At the moment, I was even ashamed of her boyish prank.

- Well, what? Now you have become easier? - As the country considers me Dr. Morrison, not something with light irony, is not something to reproach.
- You have somewhere seen people with such dignity? - Perplexedly I exclaimed. - Because they could make a real scandal here, but they swallowed my insult, as if sitting at my place for at least the U.S. president or a complete moron, which is useless to ask anything!
- Wait! - Eye zablesteli analyst. It looks like his head had some brilliant idea. - And what if, for this elderly couple you do not exist?
- So, how does not exist? - I do not understand. - Do not want you to say that I became totally invisible? What about the waiter? It is well I see!
- In this case, all! - Continued Dr. Morrison. - Some people on the train sees you the way you see me. Some people can not see you at all, but for the other passengers you continue to sleep peacefully in his car at the right place! Have you noticed that other passengers also do not have your insolence no attention? And you know why? - They simply have not seen it! You do not exist!

Hands of my задрожали to throat again approaches a lump, and the head round so much that it seemed to me, I swoon.

- You are pale, Mr Morgan. You bad! - Asked the psychoanalyst, holding the glass of mineral water to me.
- Well! It is easy to check! - I murmured, rising from their seats. - Is enough to apply to at least some people in the institution with some simple questions to see what I have for them - a man or a blank space.

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